Meeting Recap: Bundler P2P Specification

The ERC-4337 bundler core developer team began the networking specification for ERC-4337 bundlers. Here's the summary.

Today the ERC-4337 bundler core developer team began the networking specification for ERC-4337 bundlers. The specification is in a draft state and subject to change, but gives insight into the direction the protocol is headed. Here is a summary of the draft:

The networking specification consists of four main sections: a specification of the network fundamentals, a specification of the three network interaction domains of the bundler (gossip domain, discovery domain, and Req/Resp domain), the rationale and further explanation for the design choices made, and an analysis of the maturity/state of the libp2p features required by this spec across the languages in which bundler software is being developed.

A strong P2P network of bundlers is critical to the development of account abstraction, and we believe that account abstraction is necessary for the adoption of blockchain technology. This is the reason we are developing open-source infrastructure for account abstraction in the Ethereum ecosystem, including a Golang bundler implementation. If you are working on account abstraction, we'd love to talk with you.